Our companies
Supporting growers & buyers with data to track orders & shipments
Naturally derived crop protection products
exitedDigital procurement platform for farm inputs and services
Novel small molecules for animal health
incubatedManufacturing low-cost generics for animal health
Novel flavor generation using modified brewer’s yeast
Microbiome innovation for animal health
Advancing delivery technologies for biologics and large molecules
Genome engineering using CRSPR-Cas9
IPOFood marketplace helping people eat better effortlessly
Fastest growing health insurance for dogs and cats
Advanced therapies for animal health
incubatedNovel small molecule crop protection products
incubatedReal-time data collection tools for farm machinery
exitedAdvanced biopharma for animal health
ExitedInnovative materials to extend fresh produce shelf life
Plant-based enteral nutrition products
Community based e-commerce for affordable organic groceries
Endo-microbials for improved production animal performance
Financial and data services for the fresh produce industry
Next-generation synthetic cellular controls
Software for agriculture retail, manufacturers, and distributors
incubatedAdvanced biopharma for insect control
Drug discovery using machine learning